Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Epilepsy Did You Knows

Women with epilepsy have a 90% chance of having offspring without it

· 300,000 children in America are victims of epilepsy and these children are under the age of 14

· Approximately 200,000 new cases of seizures take place annually

· 10% of Americans will have a seizure at one time or another in their life.

· No articles are to be placed in an epileptics mouth if they are having a seizure and you are present

· Certain medications cause seizures

· Epilepsy is something that can get you a scholarship for college

· There are classes that have epilepsy as the focus

· Photosensitive epilepsy is the reason that strobe lights can cause seizures

· A seizure alert dog can tell that family members are having seizures
Seizure dogs know when a seizure is taking place

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