Monday, July 20, 2009

Outline and Blog Process

Right now I'm dealing with notes, trying to finish them. I am also working on my outline for my paper. It is getting longer by the days. Thats the main focus for now. I am trying to include examples of studies as well as findings from them so I can put them in the paper.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Meeting with Mentor

I had a meeting with my mentor, Mark Kuczinski who works with the Pittsburgh Penguins, yesterday. We talked about different things such as talking about my seizures and epilepsy and things that relate to the two. We talked about the different things that relate to how epilepsy may make people look at me in the work place. This is important to me and my project because it deals with epilepsy awareness and the employeer should know about my epilepsy but, only if I tell them after I have started working. This is because the employeer shouldn't ask about it because that is against the law, as I found out, this is because epilepsy is an disability/ disorder.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Citing Sources

Its been a while since I blogged, but right now Im dealing with notes and citing my sources, we went to the library this week and I checked out books. I am pulling info from them and citing the book. Thats about it for now.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Today I am working on my thesis statement, but I'm having a little bit of trouble with wording. Im not sure what to say exactly. Its a work in progress!